Snake Goddess
Isis with Serpent Tail
Goddess holding snake in both hands
Egyptian goddess Wadjet
A gold amulet of Wadjet
The All-seeing Eye guarded by the Two Ladies: Nekhbet and Wadjet
Muses Sarcophagus
Goddess Diana hunting
Sheela na Gig
Diana/ Artemis
Diana or Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
Diana as Huntress
Diana as Goddess of the Hunt
Diana Goddess of the Hunt
Diana and her Nymphs
The Vision of Endymion
Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion
Diana, Endymion and Satyr (Диана, Эндимион и Сатир)
Diana and Calisto
Diana and Callisto
Diana and Callisto
Pallas Athena
Venus - Hygieia
Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena
The Rape of Proserpina
Rape of Proserpina
The Rape of Proserpine
Ratto di Proserpina (The Rape of Persephone)
Ratto di Proserpina
Ratto di Proserpina
Ratto di Proserpina
Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük
Demeter Mourning for Persephone
The Return of Persephone
Demeter rejoiced, for her daughter was by her side
Pachamama (Mother Earth)
Statue of Isis - Persephone
Queen of the Night
"Lady of Auxerre"
Diana of Ephesus as Allegory of Nature
Cosmetics box lid
Eleusinian trio
Demeter in horse chariot with daughter kore
Proserpina with Pomegranate
The Rape of Persephone
The Abduction of Persephone
The Rape of Proserpina
Hades and Persephone
El rapto de Proserpina
The Rape of Proserpine
The Rape of Prosepine
The Rape of Proserpina by Pluto
The Rape of Persephone
Pinax of Persephone and Hades on the throne
Isis with Horus the Child
Egyptian Goddess Maat
The Great Earth Mother
Mother Earth as a Young Woman
The Liberated Earth with The Powers of Nature Controlled by Man
Earth Birth
The Crowning
The Birth of Venus
Venus De Milo
Venus de' Medici
Venus de Milo with Drawers
The Birth of Venus
The Birth of Venus
Venus Anadyomene
Venus (Standing nude)
The Deification of Aeneas
Venus Epithalamia
Venus Verticordia
Venus of Urbino
The Sleeping Venus (Venere dormente)
Sleeping Venus and Cupid Nicolas ( Vénus endormie et Cupidon)
The Sleeping Venus
Sleeping Venus
Sleeping Venus, surprised by Satyr
Sleeping Venus
Venus and Mars
Venus, Mars and Cupid
Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan
The Three Graces
Three Ages of Man and Three Graces
The Tree Graces
The Three Graces
The Three Graces
Three Graces
The Muses (Les Muses)
Apollo and the Muses (Apollon et les Muses)
A Muse (Муза )
The muse of silence
Drawing from the "Tarot" The Muse Thalia (Die Muse Thalia)
Hesiod and the Muse
Muse with Lute
The Musee Spitzner (Le Musee Spitzner)
Poet And Muse
Sleeping Muse
The Muse Erato at her Lyre
The Muse (Richard Wagner) La Muse
Orestes Pursued by the Furies
Orestes Pursued by the Furies
Brunhild (The Valkyrie)
The ride of the Valkyries
The Rokeby Venus
The Toilet of Venus
Venus (Standing nude)
Venus Bathing
Morning Toilet of Venus
Russian Venus
The Toilet of Venus
Bathing Venus
Bathing Venus
Diana Surprised
The Summer Diana Surprised by Actaeon
Diana Dressing (Туалет Дианы)
Diana bathing (Diana al bagno)
Diana and Actaeon
Diane au bain (Diana at her Bath)
Diana getting out of her bath
Diana at the bath
The Bath of Diana
Diana and Actaeon
Diana Surprised at Her Bath
Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by the Fauns
Diana Bathing
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon (Диана и Актеон)
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon with Pan and Syrinx
Panel 4. The Vengeance of Venus
Hygieia Rhodes
Diana Surprised at Her Bath
Venere di Montreal
Demeter Mourning for Persephone
Snake Goddess
Snake Goddess
Isis with Serpent Tail
Isis with Serpent Tail

Egypt, 2nd century A.D., Los Angeles County Museum of Art, image via Wikimedia Commons courtesy of LACMA

Goddess holding snake in both hands
Goddess holding snake in both hands

Vitastjerna's dream from the Gutasaga with the three entwined snakes symbolizing Graip, Gute and Gunfjaun, with her at the bottom, Gotland, Sweden. Now in Fornsalen museum, Visby.


Buto, Cobra Goddess of Lower Egypt (also known as Ua Zit, Uatchit, Udjat, Wadjet, Wadjit, Edjo). She was portrayed as the Uranus cobra worn on the Pharaoh’s brow.

image from


Patron goddess of Lower-Egypt

image from The Ancient Egypt site

Egyptian goddess Wadjet
Egyptian goddess Wadjet

(painting from the tomb of Nefertari, ca 1270 BC)

image from

A gold amulet of Wadjet
A gold amulet of Wadjet

from Tutankhamun's tomb, ca 1320 BC

image from

The All-seeing Eye guarded by the Two Ladies: Nekhbet and Wadjet
The All-seeing Eye guarded by the Two Ladies: Nekhbet and Wadjet
Muses Sarcophagus
Muses Sarcophagus

Sarcophagus known as the "Muses Sarcophagus", representing the nine Muses and their attributes. Marble, first half of the 2nd century AD, found by the Via Ostiense, Louvre Museum

image from Wikipedia

Goddess Diana hunting
Goddess Diana hunting

Paul Manship, Brookgreen Gardens

Sheela na Gig
Sheela na Gig

Celtic Crone Goddess depicted showing the entrance to her womb

image from Wikipedia

Diana/ Artemis
Diana/ Artemis

Jules Joseph Lefebvre, Academicism

Diana or Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
Diana or Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt

1800s, Cleveland Museum of Art

An adaptation of the Greek goddess Diana or Roman goddess Artemis, goddess of the hunt, this winged fairy wears a British crown and a short skirt and carries a spear. Like Diana/Artemis, the stag is presented on her left. Her hair resembles that of other Hindu goddesses.

Diana as Huntress
Diana as Huntress

Marble by Bernardino Cametti, 1720. Pedestal by Pascal Latour, 1754. Bode Museum, Berlin., image via Wikipedia

Diana as Goddess of the Hunt
Diana as Goddess of the Hunt

Cornelis van Haarlem, 1562-1638, Minneapolis Institute of Art

Diana Goddess of the Hunt
Diana Goddess of the Hunt

2nd century AD, Archaeological Museum, Seville

Diana and her Nymphs
Diana and her Nymphs

Robert Burns, 1926, National Gallery of Scotland


Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1867, Realism

The Vision of Endymion
The Vision of Endymion

Edward John Poynter, 1836-1919, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery

Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion

Walter Crane, 1883, Neo-Romanticism

Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion

Francisco Solimena, 1705-1710, Walker Art Gallery

Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion

Luca Giordano, 1680, Baroque

Diana and Endymion
Diana and Endymion

Luca Giordano, 1680, Baroque

Diana, Endymion and Satyr (Диана, Эндимион и Сатир)
Diana, Endymion and Satyr (Диана, Эндимион и Сатир)

Karl Bryullov, 1849, Romanticism

Diana and Calisto
Diana and Calisto

Dosso Dossi, 1528

Diana and Callisto
Diana and Callisto

Peter Paul Rubens, 1639, Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

Diana and Callisto
Diana and Callisto

Titian, 1556-1559, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria, National Gallery, London, UK

Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena

Rembrandt, c.1655, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, image via Wikipedia

Venus - Hygieia
Venus - Hygieia

Venus-Hygieia. Roman, made in Asia Minor, about A.D.200, Getty Villa

image from Wikipedia

Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena

Statue of Pallas Athena outside the Austrian Parliament Building, Vienna

Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena

Roman copy of an original Greek sculpture of Pallas Athena

Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena

Gustav Klimt, 1898, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien

Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena

Pallas Athena standing on a globe, a spear in her left hand, a shield in her right

Marcantonio Raimondi, ca. 1520–27, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949


Detail from the statue of the "Piraeus Athena" in the Archaeological Museum of Piraeus (Athens). The work has been given to either Kephisodotos or Euphranor (4th century B.C.), or deemed to be a Hellenistic-era creation in classicizing style. Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 14 2009.

The Rape of Proserpina
The Rape of Proserpina

Hans von Aachen, 1587, Brukenthal National Museum, image via WikiComons

Rape of Proserpina
Rape of Proserpina

Rembrandt, 1632, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

The Rape of Proserpine
The Rape of Proserpine

Peter Paul Rubens, 1636 - 1637, Museo Nacional Del Prado

Ratto di Proserpina (The Rape of Persephone)
Ratto di Proserpina (The Rape of Persephone)

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1621-1622, Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy, photo by Amanta Scott

Ratto di Proserpina
Ratto di Proserpina

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1621-1622, Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy, photo: Amanta Scott

Ratto di Proserpina
Ratto di Proserpina

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1621-1622, Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy, photo: Amanta Scott

Ratto di Proserpina
Ratto di Proserpina

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1621-1622, Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy,


Throning goddess, marble statue supposed to be Persephone, queen of the underworld, 480-460 BC, found in Taranto, Italy. (Berlin inventory number Sk 1761), Pergamon Museum, Berlin

image from Wikipedia


Marble, Roman copy from the 1st century BC/AD after a Greek original of the 4th century BC, attributed to Cephisodotos or Euphranor. Related to the bronze Piraeus Athena; Louvre Museum, France, from Mattei collection

Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük
Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey. Image via WikiArt


Ala, Igbo Goddess of the earth and fertility

Demeter Mourning for Persephone
Demeter Mourning for Persephone

Evelyn De Morgan, c.1906, public domain

The Return of Persephone
The Return of Persephone

Frederic Leighton, 1891, public domain

Demeter rejoiced, for her daughter was by her side
Demeter rejoiced, for her daughter was by her side

Image from: The story of Greece : told to boys and girls (1914) by Mary Macgregor

Pachamama (Mother Earth)
Pachamama (Mother Earth)

sculpture of Pachamama (Mother Earth) in the mountains surrounding Esteli. Image via ©gaborbasch

Statue of Isis - Persephone
Statue of Isis - Persephone

Statue of Isis - Persephone holding a sistrum, Temple of the Egyptian Gods, Gortyn, 180-190 A.C.

image from Wikipedia


Demeter figurine - Museo Archeologico Regionale - Agrigento, © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 4.0

Queen of the Night
Queen of the Night

Rectangular, baked clay relief panel; modelled in relief on the front depicting a nude female figure with tapering feathered wings and talons, standing with her legs together; shown full frontal, wearing a headdress consisting of four pairs of horns topped by a disc; wearing an elaborate necklace and bracelets on each wrist; holding her hands to the level of her shoulders with a rod and ring in each; figure supported by a pair of addorsed lions above a scale-pattern representing mountains or hilly ground, and flanked by a pair of standing owls. Known as the "Burney Relief" or the "Queen of the Night".

British Museum

image from Wikipedia

"Lady of Auxerre"
"Lady of Auxerre"

Lady of Auxerre, a female statuette in the Daedalic style. Limestone with incised decoration, formerly painted, ca. 640–630 BC, Louvre Museum

photo from Wikipedia


A marble statue of Demeter, National Roman Museum


Roman copy of 4th century BC Greek bust (National Roman Museum)


Anselm Feuerbach, 1875, Ceiling painting, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, image via Wikipedia

Diana of Ephesus as Allegory of Nature
Diana of Ephesus as Allegory of Nature

Joseph Werner the Younger, circa 1680, Art Institute of Chicago, image via Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Cosmetics box lid
Cosmetics box lid

Ugaritic relief on ivory of Mother Goddess Asherah, 14th century BCE. De Agostini/G. Dagli Orti/Getty Images

Eleusinian trio
Eleusinian trio

Persephone, Triptolemos, and Demeter on a marble bas-relief from Eleusis, 440–430 BC

Demeter in horse chariot with daughter kore
Demeter in horse chariot with daughter kore

photograph of a relief of Demeter in her horse drawn chariot with her daughter, Kore, and with rampant horses flanking the chariot. photo from Wikipedia


Tintoretto, c1546/1548, National Gallery of Art

“Summer is represented here as Ceres, goddess of agriculture, reclining in front of her attribute, a row of wheat stalks. The work is one of three known paintings from a cycle by Jacopo Tintoretto depicting the personifications of the four Seasons. Spring and Autumn are housed in other collections; there is no trace of Winter. All three of the surviving Seasons feature powerful figures combined with a decorative elegance that is especially prominent in Summer, in the undulating line of stalks of grain silhouetted against the sky, the lacy grape leaves and clustered grapes, and the exquisitely rendered birds.

Tintoretto’s Seasons were created to surround a central ceiling painting in the Casa Barbo a San Pantaleone, in Venice. That painting, the octagonal Allegory of the Dreams of Men (Detroit Institute of Arts), has a complicated network of symbols that, when considered together, comment upon the interaction of human dreams and desires, fortune, and the great cycles governing heaven and earth. The depiction of the Seasons surrounding the central allegory would have complemented the motif of cyclical change.” — National Gallery of Art


Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1874, Tate Gallery, London, image via Wikipedia

Proserpina with Pomegranate
Proserpina with Pomegranate

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1882

The Rape of Persephone
The Rape of Persephone

Anonymous, 2nd Half of 17th Century, oil, canvas, 176,2 x 132 cm, National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana, image via National Gallery of Slovenia

The Abduction of Persephone
The Abduction of Persephone

Alessandro Allori, 1570
Getty Centre, Museum East Pavilion, Gallery E101

The Rape of Proserpina
The Rape of Proserpina

Attributed to Jan Brueghel the Elder, 1610 and later attributed to Hendrick van Balen

Hades and Persephone
Hades and Persephone

Luigi Basiletti, Accademia Clementina di Belle Arti, Bologna, Italy

El rapto de Proserpina
El rapto de Proserpina

Ulpiano Checa, 1888, Madrid, Spain

The Rape of Proserpine
The Rape of Proserpine

Simone Pignoni, circa 1650, Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy


Demeter, enthroned and extending her hand in a benediction toward the kneeling Metaneira, who offers the triune wheat. Detail of the belly of an Apulian red-figure hydria, ca. 340 BC. image via Wikmedia Commons

The Rape of Prosepine
The Rape of Prosepine

Jean-Francois de Troy, 1735, via State Museum Fund from the Stroganov Palace Museum, Leningrad, 1930, Hermitage Museum

The Rape of Proserpina by Pluto
The Rape of Proserpina by Pluto

Pierre Brébiette, (1598-1642), Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie de Châlons-en-Champagne

The Rape of Persephone
The Rape of Persephone

unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikipedia Commons

Pinax of Persephone and Hades on the throne
Pinax of Persephone and Hades on the throne

Locri, Reggio Calabria, National Museum of Magna Graecia, image via Wikicommons

Isis with Horus the Child
Isis with Horus the Child

circa 680 and 640 BC, Walters Art Museum, image via Wikimedia Commons

Egyptian Goddess Maat
Egyptian Goddess Maat

Maat wearing the feather of truth

Image via Wikipedia


Composite image of Hathor's most common iconography, based partly on images from the tomb of Nefertari, image from Wikipedia

The Great Earth Mother
The Great Earth Mother

Norval Morrisseau, 1976

Anishinaabe artist Norval Morrisseau, known as the creator of the Woodland School of art, depicted traditional stories with spiritual themes in his work. Read more

Mother Earth as a Young Woman
Mother Earth as a Young Woman

Norval Morrisseau © Estate of Norval Morrisseau

Anishinaabe artist Norval Morrisseau, known as the creator of the Woodland School of art, depicted traditional stories with spiritual themes in his work. Read more

The Liberated Earth with The Powers of Nature Controlled by Man
The Liberated Earth with The Powers of Nature Controlled by Man

Diego Rivera, 1926-27, Chapingo Autonomous University, Texcoco, Mexico

Earth Birth
Earth Birth

Judy Chicago, 1983, image via WikiArt

The Crowning
The Crowning

1984, Judy Chicago

Painting on 18 mesh canvas by Judy Chicago with Lynda Healy;
needlepoint by Frannie Yablonsky.
40 1/2 x 61 1/2 in. (102.9 x 152.4 cm).

The Birth of Venus
The Birth of Venus

Sandro Botticelli, c.1484–86, Uffizi, Florence

Venus De Milo
Venus De Milo

Alexandros of Antioch, Between 130 and 100 BC, Louvre Museum, Paris, image via Wikipedia


Allegory of August: detail of a fresco by Cosimo Tura, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara, 1469-1470. image via New World Encyclopedia

Venus de' Medici
Venus de' Medici

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy.

Venus de Milo with Drawers
Venus de Milo with Drawers

Salvador Dalí, 1936, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, 2018, Art Institute Chicago

The Birth of Venus
The Birth of Venus

Gustave Moreau, c.1866, Symbolism

The Birth of Venus
The Birth of Venus

Odilon Redon, 1912, Symbolism

Venus Anadyomene
Venus Anadyomene

Arnold Böcklin, 1872, Symbolism: Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO, US

Venus (Standing nude)
Venus (Standing nude)

Amedeo Modigliani, 1917

The Deification of Aeneas
The Deification of Aeneas

Musee des Beaux Arts de Montreal

Charles Le Brun, 1642-1644

Oil on canvas

81.3 x 97.7 cm

Purchase, John W. Tempest Fund, inv. 1953.1082

In this painting by Le Brun, the Roman goddess of love Venus is seen anointing her kneeling son Aeneas before he fights Turnus for the possession of Rome. She holds the divine food, ambrosia and nectar she will apply to Aeneas’ lips so that he may join the pantheon of gods. At the left, the river god who has cleansed away Aeneas’ mortality looks on, and two nymphs peer out from the forest glade in the background. In the lower corners, putti (cherub) play with the arms of the god Vulcan forged for Aeneas at Venus’ behest (Virgil, Aeneid). This painting can be dated to Le Brun’s Roman period. Greatly influenced by Poussin, Le Brun followed him back to Rome, where they worked in close association until 1646, when Le Brun returned to France. Le Brun became one of the most powerful and influential artists of his time, and was entrusted with the decoration of the Château de Versailles for Louis XIV.

Venus Epithalamia
Venus Epithalamia

Edward Burne-Jones, 1871: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University

Venus Verticordia
Venus Verticordia

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1864 - 1868, Romanticism: Russell Cotes Museum, Bournemouth, UK

Venus of Urbino
Venus of Urbino

Titian, 1538, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy

The Sleeping Venus (Venere dormente)
The Sleeping Venus (Venere dormente)

Giorgione (completed by Titian), 1508 - 1510, High Renaissance: Old Masters Picture Gallery, Dresden, Germany

Sleeping Venus and Cupid Nicolas ( Vénus endormie et Cupidon)
Sleeping Venus and Cupid Nicolas ( Vénus endormie et Cupidon)

Poussin, c.1630, Classicism: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, Germany

The Sleeping Venus
The Sleeping Venus

Paul Delvaux, 1944, Tate Modern, London, UK

Sleeping Venus
Sleeping Venus

Annibale Carracci, c.1602, Musée Condé, Chantilly, France

Sleeping Venus, surprised by Satyr
Sleeping Venus, surprised by Satyr

Nicolas Poussin, 1626, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Sleeping Venus
Sleeping Venus

Artemisia Gentileschi, 1630, Baroque

Venus and Mars
Venus and Mars

Sandro Botticelli, c. 1485, National Gallery, London

image credit

View video: Caroline Campbell, The Jacob Rothschild Head of the Curatorial Department discusses this painting:

Venus, Mars and Cupid
Venus, Mars and Cupid

Piero di Cosimo, c. 1505, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

image: wikipedia

Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan
Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan

Joachim Anthonisz. Wtewael (Dutch, 1566 - 1638), 1604–1608, Oil on copper, 20.3 × 15.5 cm (8 × 6 1/8 in.), 83.PC.274

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

image credit

The Three Graces
The Three Graces

Raphael, 1504 - 1505, High Renaissance: Musée Condé, Chantilly, France

Three Ages of Man and Three Graces
Three Ages of Man and Three Graces

Hans Baldung, 1539, Northern Renaissance: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain


Sandro Botticelli, 1482, Uffizi Gallery

The Tree Graces
The Tree Graces

Peter Paul Rubens, 1635, Museo del Prado, Spain

The Three Graces
The Three Graces

Antonio Canova, 1813-16, Hermitage Museum

The Three Graces
The Three Graces

sculpture modelled after a painting by Antonio Canova, 1925, Indianapolis Museum of Art

Three Graces
Three Graces

Heinz Mack, 1965, Lynden Sculpture Garden

The Muses (Les Muses)
The Muses (Les Muses)

Maurice Denis, 1893, Post-Impressionism: Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France

Apollo and the Muses (Apollon et les Muses)
Apollo and the Muses (Apollon et les Muses)

Nicolas Poussin, c.1630, Classicism: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

A Muse (Муза )
A Muse (Муза )

Konstantin Korovin, 1887, Impressionism: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

The muse of silence
The muse of silence

Giorgio de Chirico, 1973, Metaphysical art

Drawing from the "Tarot" The Muse Thalia (Die Muse Thalia)
Drawing from the "Tarot" The Muse Thalia (Die Muse Thalia)

Albrecht Durer, Northern Renaissance


Alphonse Mucha, 1920, Romanticism


Mikhail Vrubel, 1890, Abramtsevo, Russian Federation, Art Nouveau (Modern), Symbolism

Hesiod and the Muse
Hesiod and the Muse

Gustave Moreau, 1891, Symbolism: Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France

Muse with Lute
Muse with Lute

Tintoretto, 1528 - 1594, Mannerism (Late Renaissance): Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Musee Spitzner (Le Musee Spitzner)
The Musee Spitzner (Le Musee Spitzner)

Paul Delvaux, 1943, Surrealism

Poet And Muse
Poet And Muse

Auguste Rodin, 1905, Impressionism


Constantin Brancusi, 1912, Expressionism

Sleeping Muse
Sleeping Muse

Constantin Brancusi, 1909, Expressionism

The Muse Erato at her Lyre
The Muse Erato at her Lyre

John William Godward, 1895, Neoclassicism


Bela Czobel, 1930, Expressionism

The Muse (Richard Wagner) La Muse
The Muse (Richard Wagner) La Muse

Henri Fantin-Latour, 1862, Symbolism: Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

Orestes Pursued by the Furies
Orestes Pursued by the Furies

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, c.1862, Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA, US

Orestes Pursued by the Furies
Orestes Pursued by the Furies

John Singer Sargent

Brunhild (The Valkyrie)
Brunhild (The Valkyrie)

Odilon Redon, Symbolism


Konstantin Vasilyev, Symbolism

The ride of the Valkyries
The ride of the Valkyries

Arthur Rackham, illustration: The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie


Peter Nicolai Arbo, 1869, Romanticism

The Rokeby Venus
The Rokeby Venus

Diego Velazquez, 1644-48, National Gallery, London, UK

The Toilet of Venus
The Toilet of Venus

Francois Boucher , 1751, Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Venus (Standing nude)
Venus (Standing nude)

Amedeo Modigliani, 1971

Venus Bathing
Venus Bathing

Camille Corot , c.1873 - c.1874

Morning Toilet of Venus
Morning Toilet of Venus

Peter Paul Rubens, 1612 - 1615

Russian Venus
Russian Venus

Boris Kustodiev, 1925-6, Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Fine Arts, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The Toilet of Venus
The Toilet of Venus

Guido Reni , 1621-1623

Bathing Venus
Bathing Venus

Pierre-Paul Prud'hon

Bathing Venus
Bathing Venus

Giambologna, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), New York City, NY, US

Diana Surprised
Diana Surprised

Jules Joseph Lefebvre, 1879, Academicism

The Summer Diana Surprised by Actaeon
The Summer Diana Surprised by Actaeon

Eugene Delacroix, 1856 - 1863, Romanticism

Diana Dressing (Туалет Дианы)
Diana Dressing (Туалет Дианы)

Alexey Venetsianov, Romanticism

Diana bathing (Diana al bagno)
Diana bathing (Diana al bagno)

Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Neoclassicism

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Guiseppe Cesari, c.1602-3, Museum of Fine Arts Budapest

Diane au bain (Diana at her Bath)
Diane au bain (Diana at her Bath)

Alexandre Jacques Chantron, 1842-1918

Diana getting out of her bath
Diana getting out of her bath

Francois Boucher , 1742, Louvre, Paris, France

Diana at the bath
Diana at the bath

Rembrandt, 1631

The Bath of Diana
The Bath of Diana

François Clouet, 1510-1572, São Paulo Museum of Art

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Lucas Cranach the Elder, c.1518, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT, US

Diana Surprised at Her Bath
Diana Surprised at Her Bath

Camille Corot, 1836

Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by the Fauns
Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by the Fauns

Peter Paul Rubens, 1638-1640, Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

Diana Bathing
Diana Bathing

Rembrandt, 1634

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Titian, 1559, National Gallery, London, UK

Diana and Actaeon (Диана и Актеон)
Diana and Actaeon (Диана и Актеон)

Zinaida Serebriakova, 1916 - 1917

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Jacopo Bassano, 1592, Mannerism (Late Renaissance)

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Unknown artist, 17th/18th, Palace Museum in Wilanów

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Victor Wolfvoet, 1639-1652

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Louis Galloche, 1725, Herrmitage Museum

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Alessandro Turchi (1597–1649), Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Jacob Jordaens, 1640 , Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770)

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Hendrick van Balen (1575–1632), Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Paolo Veronese (1528–1588), circa 1560 and circa 1565: Philadelphia Museum of Art

Diana and Actaeon with Pan and Syrinx
Diana and Actaeon with Pan and Syrinx

Valerio Castello (1624–1659): Norton Museum of Art

Panel 4. The Vengeance of Venus
Panel 4. The Vengeance of Venus

Maurice Denis, 1908, Symbolism


Gustav Klimt, 1900-1907, Klimt University of Vienna Ceiling Paintings. The bottom portion of the Medicine picture, showing Hygieia


copia romana da originale greco del II sec. ac

image from Wikipedia


Alexander Handyside Ritchie, College of Physicians, Queen Street, Edinburgh

image from Wikipedia

Hygieia Rhodes
Hygieia Rhodes

Small statue of Hygieia. Mid-2nd century C.E., Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

image from Wikipedia


Statue (head) of the goddess Hygieia, daughter of Asclepius, by the Greek sculptor Scopas (c. 395 BC – 350 BC). From the temple of Athena Alea at Tegea, exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

image from Wikipedia


Hygieia fountain in the city hall courtyard, Hamburg, Germany

image from Wikipedia, photo by Daniel Schwen


Hygieia fountain in the city hall courtyard, Hamburg, Germany

image from Wikipedia, photo by Daniel Schwen

Diana Surprised at Her Bath
Diana Surprised at Her Bath

Camille Corot

Venere di Montreal
Venere di Montreal

Claudio Parmiggiani, 1999, Musée Des Beaux Arts de Montréal

Demeter Mourning for Persephone
Demeter Mourning for Persephone

Evelyn De Morgan, 1855-1919, De Morgan Centre, London, UK